4 Unpopular Signs of Narcissism

1. Introversion.

Because the truth is that not all Narcissists are extroverts. There are Narcissists who are introverted and may seem disinterested in being in the spotlight. But they still do crave recognition and attention; they just won’t say it and they won’t make it obvious. Only the people close to them will come to realize their competitive and envious nature and how much it bothers them when others are promoted or chosen over them. So, because someone is introverted, it does not mean they are not a Narcissist. Introverts can be Narcissists.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship)

2. Stinginess.

Another uncommon sign of Narcissism has to do with the issue of Narcissists being takers rather than givers. In general, we know Narcissists would take and take until there is nothing left to be taken. But this can be displayed in a way where the Narcissist refuses to spend money even on themselves. So instead of having that flashy image, they play it down. So, although they can afford to rent their apartment or pay their bills, they would prefer to sleep on a friend’s couch or live in the grandparents’ basement and not contribute a penny. They would want to eat and come and go as they please without taking on any responsibility. They would prefer to give the impression that they don’t have something so that others can give to them.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

By doing this, they avoid helping or giving to others and instead be the one who is constantly in need and taking whatever they can get. This is also a way for them to cheat people out of their hard-earned money when they themselves don’t really need it. Their aim is to go through life constantly having others foot the bill. Narcissists are users, and some of them have no issue playing broke or acting worse off if it means they can take advantage of you.

For More: 10 Weird Behaviors of People Abused By Narcissists.

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