5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

1. The enchantress spirit.

Enchantress is a demonic spirit that encourages the narcissist’s insatiable thirst and desire for ultimate power and strength, which they could gain through exploitative means. In fact, this spirit makes it seem like being exploitative is being intelligent. Whenever a narcissist deceives someone, whenever they lie, whenever they cheat and betray, they feel good about themselves. And that feeling is accentuated by this demonic spirit, which keeps lying to them, whispering to them that this makes you feel so good about yourself, do it more, this is amazing. Go more for it. Yet the narcissist’s own desire is the root cause, which allows the spirit to get even stronger.

Read More: 7 Words That Destroy A Narcissist.

2. The green-eyed demon.

The second type of spirit the narcissist lets take over is the green-eyed monster. This type of spirit encourages taking revenge and being envious of others, it accentuates those feelings of greediness, jealousy for others, and ultimately dissatisfaction. Why does the narcissist chase new things? Why are they so obsessed with novelty? Well, their vessel has a hole in the bottom, which is why they can’t be happy even after having everything one needs or one can possibly have to just be totally satisfied. So, their own feelings of dissatisfaction are weaponized by this green-eyed monster who encourages being envious and suppressing their conscience, just keeping it buried under the layers of justifications and the lies the narcissist tells to him or herself.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

The green-eyed monster makes it okay to be envious of other people’s success. The spirit keeps lying to the narcissist about the things they are doing and chasing. For example, the greed, the want, and desire for more. It’s all done in the name of becoming really wealthy or hustling or something else—competing with invisible enemies or just being the best because the narcissist goes by the principle of being the most powerful man in the room or being nothing. They have to be either everything or they are nothing. Who is telling them this? Who is feeding them all of this? The Devil’s Advocate, the devil’s minion. It’s their own part they have welcomed in, and that is what runs and ultimately ruins their life.

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